Dans un récent billet sur la perception de l’innovation, Ellen Di Resta soulève l’importance de bien comprendre la personne et sa vision du monde avant d’évaluer sa capacité à innover.

What I do know now is that when you are assessing someone’s ability to successfully innovate, it might be useful to stop and think about how they perceive the world. Are they able to see similarities in dissimilar things? Do the similarities make sense? Is the person assessing them able to tell the difference?

Elle va plus loin en mettant l’accent sur les changements de notre société et les aptitudes qui seront nécessaires pour réussir dans la nouvelle économie (capacité d’innovation et de créativité en étant une importante).

As John Hagel states in many different ways in his blog, we are about to enter a Great Shift in how our world works. It might be time to figure out how to define perceptual skills that could go easily unrecognized in the old economy, yet will be absolutely necessary for success in the new economy.