In December, the Bell Fund announced a major change in its Development deadlines.

Starting February 2011, it will be possible to submit development projects each month. The deadline will be every 1st of the month (or the next business day), and the Fund plans to answer in the following 3 weeks later or so.

Excerpts from the news release:

“It is expected that these regular deadlines will enhance the opportunities to provide timely development scheduling of the interactive material that is being created in parallel with the development of the associated television programs. This will ensure that interactive digital content is produced and available for audiences at the launch of the associated television broadcast.”

There is no foreseeable increase in the number of submitted projects for this year due to the new application deadlines, according to Fund Associate Director Claire Dion. She also confirms that the guidelines will remain the same with respect to the sums that can awarded, and the Fund will ensure that the development money is spread throughout the year.

We are very pleased with this announcement, as it will allow us to better plan our activities and draw more interesting timelines for projects that are closely tied to production or broadcasting in the television segment.

If you have projects you are planning to move in the development phase, please contact Karine Charbonneau, our digital media producer, at any time.

(photo Alienate)