Clubhouse and social audio
The war for social audio is raging, and it remains to be seen who will win.
If you’ve just heard about Clubhouse in the past few weeks, you are not alone.
Clubhouse is the current front-runner in the social audio space, with its app that allows users to create “rooms” in which people simply discuss, in audio-only format. Think of it as a live-podcasting platform.
(Anyone reminded of this old thing called radio?)
The reason we’ve really started hearing about it in February 2021 is that many notable celebrities (Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, etc.) have appeared in events hosted on the platform to discuss varied subjects in the past few weeks.
At the moment, Clubhouse is the talk of the town (you will need to know a user already on the platform, and an iPhone to try it out), but social audio is being heavily developed by other platforms.
Twitter has launched its Spaces product in beta (you can only access it on iPhone at the moment), and Facebook is reportedly building its own copycat of Clubhouse.
Who will get to win this battle? The jury is still out, and the field is fairly still young.
But one interesting thing is that the format itself creates opportunities for authentic and live discussions on any subject matter. Audio has always been a format that comes as close as you can to a real one-on-one relationship between you and your audience, and these platforms bring this even further.
If you want to learn more about social audio, and Clubhouse in particular (how it works, what you can find on it, etc.), I invite you to read Pamela Bump’s article on the subject, a 14-minute read she published on the Hubspot blog.
And while you are reading the in-depth guide, why not ask yourself: Are there opportunities for my brand, for my experts, for my thought leadership on Clubhouse?