What is the ideal length for online video?

How many characters? Words? Minutes? Statistics tell all for online content.
I have yet to analyze how many words, paragraphs, characters I have averaged in the past two years doing this newsletter, it’s something I’d be curious to do. I’ll add it to my ever-growing to-do list.
This week’s article collects this kind of information, based on research and statistics, trying to figure out what is the best length for online content.
Kevan Lee, over at the Buffer blog, published a great post on what seems to currently be the ideal length of a Facebook post, Tweet, blog post headline, etc.
Here’s a rundown of what was discovered :
- The ideal length of a tweet is 100 characters;
- The ideal length of a Facebook post is less than 40 characters;
- The ideal length of a Google+ headline is less than 60 characters;
- The ideal length of a headline is 6 words;
- The ideal length of a blog post is 7 minutes, 1,600 words;
- The ideal width of a paragraph is 40-55 characters;
- The ideal length of an email subject line 28-39 characters;
- The ideal length of a presentation is 18 minutes;
- The ideal length of a title tag is 55 characters;
- The ideal length of a domain name is 8 characters;
The article digs deep into each statistic and validates how they came to this number with research, analytics, etc.
For those wondering, because it isn’t in the list, I dug a little deeper into the comments section and found another interesting nugget :
- The ideal length for a YouTube Video is 3 to 3½ minutes.
Ouf. That’s a lot of statistics, but a definite nice-to-have.
Make sure to bookmark this article for future reference!