Video games that could become excellent TV series or films

[Update : Yako also suggested we add two other games to the list. Discover both at the bottom of this article.]
Many video games have such great storytelling that their TV or film extensions are no-brainers.
Karine Charbonneau, my life partner, sent me this week’s article, shows how well she knows me. It hits right on the nail about how we, at Toast, see many brands and properties: as potential sources for extension and expansion through content.
Samuel Axon over at Mashable drew a list of 5 video games that have great storyworlds, great narratives, which would make for great TV series or films.
Extending an existing brand, like a video game, has many advantages. You can of course capitalize on the existing stories, but also take advantage of your existing fan base whom you can pretty much count on to act as brand ambassadors of your new series or film.
This approach is in direct link to the work we are currently doing with PNP (Portable North Pole), a youth Christmas brand that has great brand awareness in multiple countries, plus over half a million Facebook fans. We are working with them in developing the television extension of their property.
The games mentioned in Mashable’s article are not only rich in their storytelling, but also successful, key in making sure you have great reach from the starting point. You will not be marketing this content from scratch.
I invite you to head over to the article to discover which 5 games they believe are perfect candidates. Some great properties in there. Who knows, maybe we’ll be contacting some of the publishers in the near future…
[Update] Following the publication of this article, Yako wrote to us so we could add two other games to this list:
- Stanley Parable : an independant game (2013) available on Steam.
- Beyond Two Souls : one of the first attempt to really combine film and gameplay