Video marketing + social platforms = ♥
We’ve seen the future. And it has a lot of short branded videos published on social platforms.
You’ve seen those Tasty videos right? Its Facebook page currently has over 60M likes and it is growing at an astounding rate. Why? Because its content is short, catchy, useful, and every interaction an individual has with a Facebook post the page does is seen by an ever-wider network of his or her friends.
At Toast, we produce a lot of these short-form videos for brands and clients (L’Oréal, Bell Media, etc) and we can see how they remain the perfect form for getting genuine engagement on social platforms these days. Email me if you would like to know more about costs and opportunities for your brand.
Compared to YouTube, where to get real additional reach a person needs to actually share a video so that it can get a lift in views, on Facebook a simple interaction has the potential to reach hundreds of additional eyeballs.
This is an example of the power marketers are seeing with branded videos on social platforms. The tools at their disposal are getting more powerful every month.
When you start combining the organic potential of social platforms with the possibilities of paid reach, you really have a mean, powerful machine in your hands.
And this is why there currently is a shift between video platforms and social platforms as to which is preferred for publishing video content. According to a Trusted Media Brands study, 65% of marketers think social platforms are the most important media for digital video campaigns.
So keep that YouTube page fed and alive, but make sure you are also publishing natively on social platforms. This is where the action is happening, and your potential of reach is highest.
The article I am recommending this week was published over at Clickz and sums up the key takeaways from the TMB study titled “The Future of Digital Video”, which you can also download if you follow links in the article.