Vitaminwater gambles big with branded content #brilliantworks

The brand allocates 80% of its canadian marketing budget to the #brilliantworks series.
The content marketing part of the operation is mostly constituted of video clips on YouTube. The series is built around collaboration between creatives and artists, becoming the birth of projects between the two.
Carolyn Harty, director of the waters portfolio at Coca-Cola Canada, mentions that although the brand sees growth in sales, the campaign aims to present it to even more millennials. Its objective is for the brand’s values and personality to come out even more through the series.
It is the first time the brand put such an emphasis on content production, placing it front and center of a major national campaign.
The series doesn’t reinvent the genre. Fairly short video clips (2 to 3 minutes) acts as a base for each episode, the connection between two artists (or creatives). The offensive will be supported by TV spots, social media, in-store sampling and PoS collateral. The branded content campaign is thus also supported by more traditional means.
Branded content doesn’t replace more traditional means of communicating. It is a tool in the overall arsenal at a brand’s disposal (it is not even new). When building a content compaign, the way your audience will hear about it will very often be through more traditional channels.